Using with Docker

To build docker images locally, run the following command via sbt:

sbt dockerize

NOTE: this depends on having OpenJDK 11 installed on your machine.

We also publish images to dockerhub (see below for information on our docker images).

Docker image for annotating text and indexing Odinson JSON documents

docker pull lumai/odinson-extras:latest

See our repository for other tags.

Annotating text using the docker image

docker run \
  --name="odinson-extras" \
  -it \
  --rm \
  -e "HOME=/app" \
  -e "JAVA_OPTS=-Dodinson.extra.processorType=CluProcessor" \
  -v "/path/to/data/odinson:/app/data/odinson" \
  --entrypoint "bin/annotate-text" \

NOTE: Replace /path/to/data/odinson with the path to the directory containing a directory called text containing the .txt files you want to annotate. Compressed OdinsonDocument JSON will be written to a directory called docs under whatever you use for /path/to/data/odinson.

Indexing documents using the docker image

docker run \
  --name="odinson-extras" \
  -it \
  --rm \
  -e "HOME=/app" \
  -v "/path/to/data/odinson:/app/data/odinson" \
  --entrypoint "bin/index-documents" \

NOTE: Replace /path/to/data/odinson with the path to the directory containing docs. The index will be written to a directory called index under whatever you use for /path/to/data/odinson.